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Through the years over 500 young men have been given the opportunity to enhance their lives and eventually the lives of others.
The generosity of individuals like you make those opportunities possible. Thank you for supporting our efforts.
Open A World of Opportunities
Your donations to the Gamma Lambda Education will go a long way in helping to fulfill the dreams of young men who have put education as a priority in their life. Their success is your success.
Ways you can donate:
Make small recurring payments that add up! Just click on the "Make this a monthly donation" box.
Service Charge Applies
In Person/By Check
Please Make Checks payable to:
Gamma Lambda Education Foundation
P.O. Box 441763
Detroit, MI 48244
Givelify Online/Phone Application
You Can Make Regular Small Recurring Payments Through Givelify
Just identify an amount and select :"Schedule a recurring donation" when prompted.

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